

Foresthill Divide Chamber of Commerce - The Chamber of Commerce’s mission is to promote commerce, industry, recreation and the general interests of the Foresthill Divide community.
Placer County Visitors Bureau - List of activities in Placer County.


Gold Prospectors Association of America - The largest prospecting organization in the world today.
GPAA River City Prospectors - Sacramento chapter of the GPAA.
Roseville Rock Rollers - Individuals who are interested in the earth sciences, the arts of lapidary and gemology.
Sacrobotics - An informal group of enthusiasts who share our robotics projects and experience with others. Visitors and families welcome!


Mother Lode Goldhounds - This message board is a place where you can contact other people who share our gold prospecting interests.
Mountain Mandarin Festival - Held the weekend before Thanksgiving every year.

Gold Prospecting

Sacramento Mineral Society - The Sacramento Mineral Society (SMS) was organized in 1936 to promote the study of mineralogy and lapidary arts and crafts as well as other geologic sciences.